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 Glass Study 

Learned how to sculpt plasticine, create a plaster/silica, alginate and silicone molds, pour wax molds, and make Pate de Vere. After firing the glass filled mold I learned how to cold work the glass with a dremel, disk sanders, and belt sanders.



Sculpt something out of Plasticine and create mold out of Plaster and Silica. Cast out of glass.

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Created a lizard out of Plasticine, making sure to add a base to act as a sprue.

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Coated Plasticine sculpture in a Plaster Silica mixture and waited until it was completely hardened.

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Removed all Plasticine from the mold.

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Filled mold with glass chunks and put in kiln.

Carefully broke glass casting out of the plaster mold and cleaned with some water.

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Cast a hand using a Alginate.

Dunked hand into Alginate to cast a hand. When it solidified I removed my hand and poured in wax. After wax hardened I removed it from the Alginate.

Coated wax casting in Plaster Silica Mix, fill with glass chunks and put in the kiln.

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Broke casting out of mold and cleaned with water.


Create an image or pattern using Pate de Vere technique.


Create a design using powdered glass and water.

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 Book and Pencil 

In response to the selected excerpt from Mariah Popova’s book figuring, students will make 3 to 5 castings (minimum) from an object or objects of their chose. Your chosen objects should be in response to the reading, objects that you feel best represent your individualness, your story, your experiences. 

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Flatten out a book and secure it to a plasticine base that'll be used as a sprue.

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After removing the book from the plaster/silica mold, it was filled with the correct amount of glass chunks.

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Silicone casting of a pencil.

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 Bottle Caps 

Do objects matter? What happens when an object suddenly takes on extraordinary meaning? For this assignment, students will work independently to create glass objects that answer the question Do Objects Matter?. The objects created by the student should tell a story about a past event or illustrate society’s unhealthy obsession with material goods. The work can be fact or fiction, personal or collective. 

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Created an Alginate mold of a bottle cap and used it to pour wax molds. I then used a printed image of the logo in reverse to carve the logo into the wax caps. 

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After making the plaster/silica mold I had to figure out how to get the detail in the cap. I tried different layering methods but ended up going with Pate de Vere.

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